“Cheery was aware that Commander Vimes didn't like the phrase 'The innocent have nothing to fear', believing the innocent had everything to fear, mostly from the guilty but in the longer term even more from those who say things like 'The innocent have nothing to fear'.” - STP
Great ideas: a short read : “Learn in public". Pong was hardware only. Not fancy CPU. Essential science to keep burritos closed. Knew of nitinol engines? Supply-chain and baby formula. Cobots - weird. Reading faster with smart-bolding text.
Consumed: Back for a sip of “The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses” of J. Schell. Or how humans work, by a game designer. Superb book, can be opened at random, get a lens, and enjoy a short read.
Produced: Hardware rant.
USB3: High-speed, reliable transfer. FT600, but also CH569. RiscV. Looking forward for Lattice+CH569. Would buy.
SDR: new, interesting, and cheap MSI2500+MSI001.
Hardware momentum? Some boards gone for fab - new tests? Great thesis from a contributor on my stuff.Met: Other side of the world. Checked Aberdeen & Leiden guys.
Exploration: Cheap MRI from my engineering school. Funded by friends. Worth keeping an eye on.
AOB: Weird aerodynamics. NASA old branding guidelines: ah wousgt Tepan afew conseion et mew.
China governance and open-source.
Backlog: Watch Social Dilemna. The Pentaverate.