In 1944, the CIA released a guide on how to sabotage an organization: (1) insist on doing everything through channels, (2) haggle over people’s wordings, and (3) advocate “caution.” - CIA guidebook
Tomorrow is today: Hackers create traffic jam in Moscow. Amazon and mental health. AC clothing, opposite here. AI spying on new pools for french taxes.
HMI: Sensors & smart dust as new wearables. Apple Watches for 5-Year-Old.
Futures: SF and future threats modelling. Characterizing unknown unknowns.
Good stuff: The Toothpaste Argument for Universal Basic Income. Australia foreign intelligence cybersecurity agency’s coin challenge cracked in 1h by a 14yo. Glacier mice. The Epic Story of Container Shipping.
Bricolage: Redefining MVPs. Running StableDiffusion locally.
Consumed now: A Memory Called Empire, Algorithm empire, R&Morty S5, Big Bug, le Monde Diplomatique about ScienceFiction. Le sentiment du fer.
Booked for after: 3000 years, A desolation called peace, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories.