Now that climate change is already well underway, we also need to talk about adaptation... what nobody is talking about is that for large areas of the world home to large populations, there will be no way for people to adapt to the very extreme conditions we’re facing over the coming decades. People will have to move. It is now inevitable. But the scale, of course, is not. It could be in the tens of millions. It could be in the hundreds of millions. Gaia Vince on Nature (resonates with The Ministry for the Future)
People: Raves origins. D&D is back. Ozempic on the rise. Funeral cheese in Switzerland.
Tech: Invisible bunnies in WoW. Microsoft starts AI chips. World dependence on COBOL finds help with AI ? PCIe on RPi5. Polish trains were bricked, but manufacturer attacks hackers who restored them.
Work: Link between afterhours work and decreased productivity. Strategic planning an storytelling.
Science: Scary anthrobots - robots made of human cells to repair brains. Whales language - understood now? Japanese fusion reactor starts? China and nuclear reactors.
AI: Preparing organizations for AI. Prompting is only the beginning, for futures. Mistral starts its API ( https://mistral.ai/news/la-plateforme/) and Mixtral, after a 415m€ round. AI to add 340bn to WallStreet profit ?
Choose-your-own-adventure GPTs (EN).Uses of AI: Reading new rules. Writing performance reviews. BCG’s take on agents. Uses in consulting (or advisory) - vEN? Companies need a polar star for AI (FR).
DIY: Python caching. BERT (all-mpnet-base-v2) better than OpenAI for embedding?