Many of China’s large tech companies have already been developing products in the virtual people industry. Looking ahead to 2023, 45% of advertisers said they might sponsor a virtual influencer’s performance or invite a virtual person to join a brand’s event, according to the Kantar report.
Society: Virtual person at 14k$ a year. Economy balancing: traditional vs “new” businesses. Durable Roman concrete - cracked. Excess management at 3T$ a year in the US. Circular mining?
People: 1/4 of US millennial living at parents. Loosing students during the pandemic.
Tech&Bio: Pigeon General Intelligences - identifying breast cancer. Thoughts of a spider live on its web. Microbial mining in space. Moar shrooms in food. Algae batteries. Plastic-eating enzymes.
Hardware: Scriptkiddie experience with a FlipperZero. Reusing android phones for hardware hackers with Pi’s pico.
Explore: Why not Mars. How to - 500-millibar reading.
Random: Horizontal elevators. Ivy league grade inflation. Döstadning. Fiber optics can take the pulse of the planet.