Because yes, the AI will not replace the human, but the human who uses the AI with relevance will certainly replace the one who does not use it... or worse, the one who thinks of using it well and will flood us with mediocre content.
(Chat)GPT: Open letter to stop the AI race, Italy bans ChatGPT - BUT - Bloomberg built its own ChatGPT, with its data. Soon everyone can run chatgpt(4all). Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends in HuggingFace. More disruptive than the pandemic?
AI and business: BillGates on “the age of ai”. AI does not take long to become BAU - check Microsoft365 Copilot, for office. Goldman Sachs estimates 300m jobs at (AI)risk. AI x Capitalism. UK position on AI regulation.
Society: MSoft fires Ethics team? German extends thermal cars authorizations. Parental consent for social networks. Vinyls now outsell CDs. Amazon buying theaters to get logistics space? Online search: was about aggregation, now curation?
Life: Terminator zones. Rapid rise of a fungus infections. Homeless shelter doubles as fish farm. Design around invasive fishes becoming trendy food.
Tech: Cryptocurrencies not worth GPUs, say NVIDIA. GitHub key leak. 1989: chips foreseen to become commodities. Ikea’s inventory counting drones.
Random: Rabbit hole of Sonakinatography. Denis Villeneuve on the Gom Jabbar. Problem solving walks. Mobile journalism manual. LinkedIn spies.