To be everywhere is to be nowhere. People who spend their whole life traveling abroad end up having plenty of places where they can find hospitality but no real friendships. The same must needs be the case with people who never set about acquiring an intimate acquaintanceship with any one great writer, but skip from one to another, paying flying visits to them all. - LfaS
Society: “What would you recommend a 16 year old to pursue career wise [today]?” discussion on HN. Decision-Making: No Longer a Human Exclusive. Pickleball rapid growth. Gen X women leaders leaving. WWII croque-fruits. How Working from Home boosted Golf (PDF). Futures of sports.
Business: Mounting mistrust between (AI) writers and their clients. Netflix going to theatres? We become ‘custom models and APIs’. Life of a corporate spy.
Technology: Liquid trees. HMI with facial sonar. Interactive view of 100000 stars around us. “Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Security-byDesign and -Default”.
Random: After Google Earth, GoogleMars. (19k) new volcanoes undersea. Mosquitoes with endless thirst.
DIY: Context-aware Knowledge Graphs. Getting started with LangChain.