“I am fond of the title Saving Time, because it implies a mutualistic relationship between temporality and the individual or communities that experience it. To save time could be to collect it, but it could also be to rescue it—from misuse, from rigid definitions, from people or entities who make time feel imposing rather than friendly, alive, and personal.”
Society: Saving time. Every single [x]. Japan and ChatGPT for admin tasks. Mad honey. 1/3 adults sleeping with comfort toys. How to wander. Hotter oceans. People buy vinyls without turntables. Provora - different, tiny predators.
Emotions and AI: Study Finds ChatGPT Outperforms Physicians in High-Quality, Empathetic Answers to Patient Questions. Teachers use apps to get their students moods.
Business: Exploring the evidence: are living labs effective? Brand does a reverse sale: first items are cheap, the longer it stays the more expensive it becomes. Origin of systemic risk. Laser-powered interstellar lightsail. Britain dying.
Tech: (NLP then,) LLMs and OSINT. Words breaking GPT. China governance on AI products. Upcycling smartphones into board computers.
PeopleGPT: Writers becoming prompt engineers? Who will you be when LLMs take your job.
DIY: LangChains and knowledge bases. And knowledge graphs. Try ProfileGPT.
“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” - A. Gide