About killing the (written) darlings - “It’s time to kill. And it’s time to enjoy the killing. Because by killing, you will make something else even better live. Not enough gets said about the importance of abandoning crap.” - Ira Glass
People: Geographic arbitrage. Psychoactive components and programmers [PDF]. IKEA allows paying with time. Apocalyptic infrastructure. Kenya nigh runners. Permaculture.
Supply chain: US military supply-chain accident. SolarWinds and supply-chain hacks. How packaging printing is used to protect (e-bikes) shipments. Wind has generated more energy than gas in the UK.
Tech: 30% of IBM’s jobs at AI risk. Generative AI to reimagine places. LLMs spamming niche content. EU Cyber-Resilience Act and open-source poison pill. Qubits, 30m apart.
AI: Detecting ChatGPT Imposters with A Single Question. EU AI act is progressing.
Random: Sharks can hold their breath. Social-engineering a LLM [chat game] so it yields a password.