“Today as never before we need a multiplicity of visions, dreams and prophecies — images of potential tomorrows. … Today we suffer from a lack of utopian ideas around which to organise competing images of possible futures.” Toffler, 1970
Tech: Fiber optic for earthquake detection. Innovation, turbo-charged by AI [PDF], or accelerating human-driven creativity [PDF].
People: Software destroying doctors’ memory. Nature’s take on AI regulation. AI Police van capturing infractions. Coping with future shock. Four shifts: tech, power, boundary and mind. Hard hats shortages and facekinis.
Security: Capturing passwords over Zoom sound. Using QR code for phishing.
AI: LLMs political biases [PDF] & Adversarial attacks on LLMs. Alibaba launches its open-source LLM. McKinsey too, with its own LLM, Lili.
DIY: Self-hosted LLMs.
40%- Space cooling makes up nearly 40% of all expected growth in energy demand between now and 2050.