While it’s tempting to play with scenario planning and leave it at the implications, we must not hide behind the data, deck or titles of our roles, protecting us from the vulnerability of getting out there and doing the messy work: making the futures we wish to see. (Foresight as activism)
Society: Defending cash. Friends dating - no app, just a questionnaire. Programming a crowd with cards in a stadium. 41% of French population is in favor of a proposal to limit everyone to 4 flights in their entire life. Signs of ethical collapse? No-bath apartments in Japan. Needs for adult rites of passage ‘especially genZ, millenials). Aging/nostalgic population?
Actuaries on Climate change cost - “the emperor’s new climate scenarios” [PDF].Tech: Backdoored android devices in US schools. Deepsea mining dilemna. Google to kill the password? Tom Hanks appearance stolen. Uber for chores. Self-contained (AI) doctor cubes.
Design, after human-centricity.AI: Rise of AI agents (personalized?). Image poisoning against parsing data [PDF]. Minority languages and AI. Automated prompt engineering. AI and healthcare - not always a good fit. Orca2: teaching models how to reason (PDF).
Random: The game of Euchre ; maybe as good as tonk?
2024 tech trends. How to title your art.DIY: DallE3: creating book covers, and modify images. Constructing KG with OpenAI Functions. KG from Obsidian notes.