“There are four speeds in life: Rest, Walk, Jog, Sprint. Most people default to a jog-a staple of 9-5 work culture. But you'll go much faster and further by defaulting to either rest/walk or sprint. Rest, walk, sprint, repeat. There is no jog.” - Shahil Bloom
People: Inflation, explained with a burrito. Dengue in VN: a story of temperature, urbanism and mobility. CRISPR pigs as go-to-market first GMO meat? Can AI reduce work by 300bn hours annually (PDF)?
Art: The rise of the remote husband. Have you seen Dark star .. and read more of Ursula le Guin? More AI that did not exist.
Tech: People I like.. put rickroll in silicon. From a great project. Saudia to invest 40bn in AI. China officials using AI for bureaucracy. OpenTitan as security-aware open-hardware. A 100bn$ super-ai-computer?
Defence: robo-mules. US 2024 annual threat assessment (PDF).
AI: AI Fairness workbooks from the Turing Inst. US/UK AI partnership. Chatbots hype hits reality. UK gov incubator explores AI for consultations, customer service, and civil works.
On the wishlist: Entretiens, de Baudrillard