Jakarta teenager Wahyu Wicaksono found a way to make some money from his love of running. He became a “Strava jockey”, clocking up running achievements for others on the popular exercise tracking app for a fee. Wahyu charges $0.6 per km to run at “Pace 4” (1km in four minutes) and half of it at “Pace 8” (1km in eight minutes). CNA
People: Twitter whitelisted few users for slurs. Walkable cities. JohnDeere layoffs. D&D for alt texts. Paris2024 shallow pools mean fewer records? A 1926 creativity framework. Atom-thick gold sheets. Strava jockeys.
Planet: Octopus farming gets banned. Stamen’s Null island (and its geoJson).
Tech: Accessible deleted github repos. Immigrants in America, though only 14% of the population, are responsible for 36% of innovation. Digital primordial soup. Ham culture. In the beginning was the command line (N.Steph). Self-optimizing, autonomous factory.
Random: Jaws legos =) DIY ship-identifying satellite code.
AI: Claude to review papers.