When everything is available, all knowledge, all information, all entertainment ….nothing is perceived as valuable. Not the labor that creates the thing, not the person behind it, not the thing itself. The only valuable thing is our time, and if we spend it on something that isn’t amazing, isn’t exquisitely for us, we understand it as time wasted, instead of time gloriously wandering.
Business: Wind powered cargo ships. Copyright and Salinger. Leaks from discarded routers.
Tech: Hybrid watches. The m851 watch - very hackable. Electroculture? Google watermark for genAI images. Radio hack of Polish trains. PDP-11 and nuclear power plants. BMI - brain machine interface, at 60/70 words per minute.
AI: The A.I. Dilemma: Growth versus Existential Risk [PDF]. US workers’ jobs exposure to AI. Start of ChatGPT entreprise.
Cyber: Cyber staff shortages in the UK, and the national cyber strategy progress report (22-23). MongoDB offers homomorphic encryption.
Society: Sterility of infinity. Yokochos as ThirdPlaces in Tokyo. Fart Proudly (by B. Franklin). Hopepunk & goblin mode.
DIY: From raw texts to Wikidata-based graphs. Examples of ontologies uses. Using ChatGPT to build Knowledge graphs.
An arXiv paper on “Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence: Insights from the Science of Consciousness” [PDF].
n his 1989 book, The Condition of Postmodernity, David Harvey introduced the idea of “time-space compression” to describe how advancing technology, communication, and globalisation would result in tangible changes in our societies. In turn, this would have subjective psychological effects of disorientation and alienation, amongst others. Future shock, in the terminology of Heidi and Alvin Toffler.